
20180722 Weekly Recap

As the halfway point to the year comes and goes, I hope we all get closer to achieving every goal we have set for the year and close in on victory like a boss. Onwards!

The wait for my editor continues.  Patience is essential when you are working with others.  I only wish I could find a progress bar like when I download an update to a phone app.  Is it a quarter of the way done?  Is it halfway done?  Should I be biting my nails because it is hanging at 90 percent?  Ah, the life of collaboration for creatives. 😊

I am now dabbling with the IGTV posts and am finding the process interesting and fun.  The process is mostly taking my prior posts and turning them into a short vid for posting.  Usually under 30 seconds.  A new level of visual expression is underway.  As I said, fun!😊

My fave Instagram this week is a selfie.  We all have them thanks to social media.  Mine is with the very real need for us all.  Let’s take time to think about what we want in life.  Sometimes it gets hard but is always necessary.

When you take time every day to visualize your goals and follow your passions, every heartfelt dream is yours. Onwards! +


The latest FB fave was just an answer to the most common issue writers face.

Question: What do I do with my writer’s block?

My Answer: A writer’s hammer and chisel might help make something out of that block.


The truth of what to do with writer’s block is always the same.  Write.  The hardest thing to do is to stop reaching inside your psyche where the greatest fantasies, dreams and hopes reside.  When you leave the flame of your passion, the light will fade.  With enough time, looking for that light will be like having every star wink out of existence then attempting to find one again while your vision begins to fade.  The only way to restore that spark is to ignite it again, like scraping flint and steel to make a fire.  It may be hard.  It may take more attempts than you want, but with enough effort, the spark will ignite the flame and you will soon be bathed in the warmth of your deepest passions.

Perhaps the next time I run across that question, I’ll provide the answer above just for variety. 😊

A final personal note:  In answer to the question if I have gone through the issue above, the answer is yes.  I have felt the effects of writer’s block and despite my best efforts, took far longer to emerge than I would have liked.  To struggle with something that came so easily is like having learned how to ride a bike only to wake up one day and find you have no balance and can’t stay up.  Days turn into weeks and before you know it, the effort of trying becomes stressful.  For something you can’t let go of because it is your greatest passion, to have it gone is just as traumatic as any other great loss.  Everyone knows about the difficulties when pain has no physical source.  This is the hardest to deal with.  Only time and constant effort will make things better.  The best thing to remember is that every internal pain we endure will always heal given time, effort and hope.  May we all find our way out of life’s inner struggles and feel the joy of following our deepest hopes and dreams… following them all with the great passion we all have inside.  Onwards!

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