
20180610 Weekly Update

Time has come and gone faster than anticipated and while I continue to await the latest from my editor, I have been keeping busy with a few items on my “To Do” list.  The latest monthly comic vlog is done and the charts I will be implementing to see each of my projects is well underway.  I also have a few video blogs that will be coming as well as a few trailers for the first few books in the Cat Rule Chronicle series.

Last week got away from me and I lost more time than expected playing catch up with the outlines to my next few books, cover design for The Orb (Yup, that one is getting a remake as well) and a series of pictures dedicated to literacy and books.  With luck, all will fall into place as the year progresses.  Fingers crossed!

This week’s fave Instagram revolves around the thought of how we lose ourselves to difficult times and uncertain paths.  I will forever be trying to see the better light ahead and hope to share it with others.

The future will always remain unknown, but with determination, focus and heart, even the darkest path becomes a gateway towards victory. Onwards! +


Facebook continues to be a mystery and a fave spot to connect with others.  I still hope to find fellow writers that are working as I am to share stories with the world and hope we can all raise one another to the level needed to give our stories the proper readership to set us on the course of success needed.  The question and answer I chose this week was in response to a common question asked.  Note:  I will never give the same answer to these questions.  As a creative, I enjoy allowing my thoughts to escape the norm of convention.

Question: When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

My Answer: Just after I was born. All the knowledge and wisdom of the universe was at my fingertips and I knew the only path possible lay in sharing my words with the world. Unfortunately, no matter how much I cried, no one gave me paper or a pen. By the time I was old enough to be trusted with writing implements my thoughts turned towards fiction. Oh, well…


I hope everyone is doing well this lovely month and finds both joy and beauty in every bright day and cloudy sunset.  We all find what we seek in this world and as long as we seek our dreams, we are headed in the right direction.  May we all dream big.  Onwards!

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