motivation,  photography,  writing

20180909 Weekly Update

September is revving up to be a chaotic month. Work is ramping up at my paying gig and weekends are beginning to get busy. I’m going to the zoo next weekend. Yay turtles!

In the meantime, I’ve just completed my monthly Vlog, am banging my head to get through the edits for Ripples of Mind and tackling the addition of several social media posts. Did I mention I was invited to create an AMA event? Gotta love the chance to include new Q&A events to the schedule.

In the meantime, I’m trying to get reading done, writing done and planning for the series of pictures that will have book promotions on them. (Oh, how I dread selfies!) Regardless, I’m also considering jumping into InkTober to toy with my old skills. I’ve not drawn on paper in a while but the thought made me think about how much I was drawn to NaNoWriMo a decade ago. Perhaps in completing one decade of challenges, I will begin a new one. Hmmm…

I continue to post weekly IGTV vids and post them along several platforms, hoping to reach a wider audience. It is good to share positive thoughts! 😊

My Insta-fave this week is one of encouragement and motivation to push forward. I’ve got a lot to do and the clock is ticking…

To achieve your dreams, you will need to grind. The grind will be painfully long, exceptionally hard, and absolutely worth it. Onwards! +

Facebook has much going on these days. Lots of groups are scrambling for activity. Interesting to see and sometimes… fun!

Gotta love welcoming new folks into the fold. 😊

Question: Hey guys! Your my first writing group I’ve joined! I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of joining a writing group sooner but I’m super excited to see what kind of feedback you guys give. Looks like a fun group! So where is everyone from?

My Answer: Currently residing in shake n bake Cali. Originally from Massol, a little town on the moon. Well, one of the moons. You know, around Saturn. Ah, we can never go home, can we? 🚀

Final personal note: I have not begun to work with Amazon to transfer all my titles from CreateSpace and am not looking forward to the process. Change. So difficult and so constant! I am finding myself running every day, but then again, momentum is good for creativity. Forward motion is among the best ways to ensure you get where you are going. Onwards! 😊

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